We have been talking about the dangers of black molds. How serious can the effects be to your health and your family members, too?

Black mold health effects to human are considered alarming especially when a person is exposed to high levels of mycotoxins. Mycotoxin is a toxic compound excreted by black molds. High levels of mycotoxins can cause neurological problems and in few cases can lead to death of the affected person.
Toxic black mold can also cause other serious health problems such as breathing problems, damage to internal organs, vision and eye problems, immune system weakening, circulatory symptoms, skin problems, immune system problems as well as tiredness and discomfort.
It’s the mycotoxins!
Trichothecene mycotoxins emitted by toxic black mold are considered neurotoxic which suggest that these particles can damage neurons in the brain and can seriously affect the mental ability of the person. Mycotoxins can also cause some disorders in the nervous system of a person including tremors and may even result to personality changes such as irritability and mood swings. Some black mold health effects or symptoms that may suggest a person could have inhaled mycotoxins are confusion, shock, depression, trembling, dizziness, disorientation, hallucinations, impaired learning ability, aggression, brain fog, a difficulty in concentrating as well as slow reflexes.
The mycotoxins and spores from the toxic black mold can enter the body through inhaling. The mycotoxins upon entry into the respiratory system can cause irritation and a burning sensation in the air ducts including the mouth, throat and nasal cavity. These mycotoxins can also adhere and accumulate in the mucus membranes, lungs and sinuses. Eventually they cause breathing problems, a burning feeling and even bleeding in the lungs which are considered alarming black mold health effects.
Mycotoxins may also be absorbed by the body through the skin and the eyes, finding its way into the blood. Entry of mycotoxins into the blood can cause damage to the heart, blood clot and internal or external hemorrhage.
Here are a few symptoms when mycotoxins mixes with blood:
- irregular heartbeat
- low blood pressure
- vomiting of blood
- bleeding tendency
- heart inflammation
- bleeding in the brain
- bone marrow disruption
- dermatitis, jaundice and crawling skin
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